Saturday, January 16, 2010

What's Fuelling Thailand's Southern Insurgency?

By Martin Petty

Thu Jan 7, 2010 2:03pm IST

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Bombs killed one security officer and wounded another in Thailand's restive deep South on Thursday during a visit by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to promote an economic stimulus programme aimed at restoring peace.

The bombings underlined the failure of successive governments to tackle a separatist insurgency in the Malay Muslim-dominated region, which entered its sixth year on Monday with a death toll of nearly 4,000.


No group has publicly come forward but most analysts believe the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) Coordinate is running the show, possibly in cooperation with remnants of the Patani United Liberation Front (PULO).

BRN is said to be a military offshoot of the Patani Malay National Revolutionary Front, a political movement established in the 1960s to seek independence, or at least autonomy, for the region's ethnic Malay Muslims.

The current leaders are unknown. The government believes they may be hiding in Malaysia, Indonesia or Europe. The authorities have long suspected prominent local politicians, religious leaders and Islamic teachers of involvement.


"Iron fist" military action, "hearts and minds" campaigns and development aid have all failed, and the huge security presence has angered the local population.

Abhisit's government has ruled out negotiations with the rebels and has opted for a five-year $1.93 billion economic stimulus programme he hopes will reduce the economic disparity in the impoverished region and minimise the influence of the rebels.

Counter-insurgency measures have failed so far and the military's intelligence capabilities are basic, with few locals willing to inform on the insurgents, many of whom live freely in their villages. Abhisit says he is open to a decentralised local administration but seems reluctant to pursue it.


The region was once an independent Malay Muslim sultanate called Patani. Thailand, then Siam, first invaded in 1786 and, according to historians, forced many people into slavery.

Patani was annexed by Siam in 1909 in a treaty with Britain and successive governments sought to assimilate the population into the Thai Buddhist mainstream, with bans on Islamic schools and attire and the outlawing of the Malay dialect, Muslim names and the teaching of local history.

Uprisings were aggressively put down by the authorities and pro-independence figures disappeared or were killed. Deep resentment festers. Many Muslims say Thailand and its people have long refused to recognise their different identity.


Despite reports of links to radical Islamists or a global jihadi movement, there is no evidence to suggest the conflict is anything more than a localised, ethno-nationalist struggle.

However, aggressive crackdowns, any extrajudicial killings by security forces and the perceived oppression of Muslims could attract involvement by militant Islamic networks such as al Qaeda, leading to an escalation in and beyond the region.


They rarely pick a fight they cannot win. Their attacks are brutal, simple and highly effective, ranging from drive-by shootings and beheadings to arson and bombings.

But beneath the surface, analysts say, the reclusive rebels have a complex multi-cell structure of recruitment, combat and control, with the leadership known only to a few members. One prominent academic described it as "a network without a core".

The military estimates the movement has 3,000 operatives, among them guerrilla fighters, informants and spies, who spread fear and intimidation among Muslim villagers to avoid detection and protect the group's identity.


The eruption of hostilities in 2004 led to fears that the militants would attack Western targets in Bangkok or holiday hotspots such as Phuket or Pattaya. That has not happened.

Analysts say rebels are attacking the Thai state from inside the three provinces to protect and preserve the Malay Muslim identity. Some suggest attacks elsewhere may be beyond their capability. Others, however, do not rule out an escalation beyond the deep south if the insurgents fail to get what they want.

(Editing by Alan Raybould and Alex Richardson)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Patani, Hilangnya Sebuah Negeri Islam Melayu

Bagi sebagian umat, Patani mungkin hanya sebuah nostalgia negeri Melayu. Orang-orang yang memperhatikan peta Asia Tenggara sekarang akan mengetahui bahwa sebuah negeri Islam yang dulu berjaya kini telah hilang dan tinggal kenangan.

Berbeda dengan nasib negeri lainnya seperti Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya atau Palestina yang tak pernah sepi dari pemberitaan. Patani ditakdirkan telah menjadi sebuah negeri yang dilupakan orang, sepi dan tidak naik panggung. Namanya hanya terdapat pada peta dan dokumen lama saja. Demikian juga dengan orang Patani, hilang dan tak dikenal.

Patani yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini bukanlah Changwad atau wilayah Patani sebagaimana terdapat dalam peta negara Thailand sekarang, tetapi lebih kepada sebuah negeri yang sempadannya lebih luas (Negeri Patani Besar) yang meliputi wilayah-wilayah Narathiwat (Teluban), Yala (Jalor) dan sebagian Senggora (Songkla, daerah-daerah Sebayor dan Tibor) bahkan Kelantan, Kuala Trengganu dan Pethalung (Petaling).

Patani itu Langkasuka

Negeri Patani memiliki sejarah yang cukup lama, jauh lebih lama daripada sejarah negeri-negeri di Semenanjung Melayu seperti Malaka, Johor dan Selangor. Sejarah lama Patani merujuk kepada kerajaan Melayu tua pengaruh Hindu-India bernama Langkasuka sebagaimana dikatakan oleh seorang ahli antropologi sosial di Prince of Songkla University di Patani, Seni Madakakul bahwa Langkasuka itu terletak di Patani. Pendapat beliau ini didukung oleh ahli sejarawan lainnya seperti Prof. Zainal Abidin Wahid, Mubin Shepard, Prof. Hall dan Prof. Paul Wheatly.

Lebih jauh bahkan Sir John Braddle menegaskan bahwa kawasan timur Langkasuka meliputi daerah pantai timur Semenanjung, mulai dari Senggora, Patani, Kelantan sampai ke Trengganu, termasuk juga kawasan sebelah utara negeri Kedah (M. Dahlan Mansoer, 1979).

Dalam buku sejarah negeri Kedah, Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, ada menyebutkan bahwa negeri Langkasuka terbagi dua: Sebagian terletak di negeri Kedah yaitu terletak di kawasan tebing sungai Merbok. Sebagian lainnya terletak di sebelah timur Kedah, yaitu di pantai Laut China Selatan. Dalam hal ini Prof. Paul Wheatly tanpa ragu mengatakan bahwa Langkasuka terletak di Patani sekarang. Pendapat beliau dikuatkan dengan temuan kepingan batu-batu purba peninggalan kerajaan Langkasuka di daerah Jerang dan Pujud (nama-nama kota pada masa itu). Konon, menurut buku Negarakertagama, Jerang atau Djere merupakan ibukota Langkasuka.

Sedangkan asal muasal orang Patani menurut para antropolog berasal dari suku Javanese-Malay. Sebab ketika itu suku inilah yang mula-mula mendiami Tanah Melayu. Kemudian berdatangan pedagang Arab dan India yang melakukan persemendaan sehingga menurunkan keturunan Melayu Patani di selatan Thai sekarang.

Tanah Melayu telah didatangi pedagang dari Arab, India dan China sejak sebelum masehi. Seorang pengembara China menyebutkan bahwa ketika kedatangannya ke Langkasuka pada tahun 200 masehi, ia mendapati negeri itu telah lama dibuka.

Patani, Kezaliman yg Tidak Berperikemanusiaan Yang Dilakukan Ke Atas Umat Islam

Lebih dari 36,000 umat Islam telah dibunuh setakat ini dalam pembunuhan di Patani. Jumlah mereka yang cedera dan cacat adalah jauh lebih tinggi. Umat Islam Patani masih berjuang bagi mempertahankan identiti keIslaman mereka.

Kawasan pergunungan dan perhutanan Patani adalah yang terkaya di Thailand, dan ia menjadi sumber 35 peratus daripada keseluruhan eksport negara. Namun demikian, umat Islam Patani, yang mem­bentuk kira-kira 10 peratus daripada keseluruhan populasi seramai 55 juta orang, sedang ditekan dan ditindas sejak 200 tahun, dan kini sedang berhadapan dengan polisi genocide.

Penderitaan umat Islam Patani yang pertama bermula pada tahun 1782 apabila Dinasti Rama mula berkuasa di Patani. Dinasti ini memindahkan ibu negaranya ke Bangkok dan seterusnya mewujudkan sebuah sistem pentadbiran moden. Pada waktu itu, pergaduhan berlaku di antara umat Islam Patani dan masyarakat tempatan yang dikenali sebagai orang-orang Siam, dan ia berlarutan selama beberaa hari. Banyak bandar-bandar Pattani yang habis dibakar, ibu pejabat militarinya dimusnahkan, dan kira-kira 4,000 orang umat Islam Patani dipenjarakan oleh Siam sepanjang tempoh berlakunya pergaduhan itu.

Siam dengan kejam mendera mereka yang dipenjarakan, membawa mereka ke Bangkok dengan mengikat di antara satu sama lain dengan tali yang yang dikenakan pada telinga dan kaki mereka dengan menggunakan jarum, dan memaksa mereka bekerja mengorek terowong tanpa diberikan sebarang peralatan dan perkakasan. Sultan Patani turut dibunuh dengan kejam oleh Siam. Thailand telah terbahagi kepada 7 kawasan selepas peperangan, dan Patani dipaksa membayar cukai, dan berada selama 70 tahun yang berikutnya di bawah kawalan Siam. Umat Islam Patani mendakwa bahawa mereka bukannya berbangsa Siam, dan mereka juga bukannya berbangsa Thailand, tetapi lebih kepada Indonesia dan Malaysia. Sebenarnya, mereka menggunakan Bahasa Melayu, iaitu bahasa umat Islam Malaysia. Walaupun bahasa tersebut telah ditulis dalam huruf Arab selama beratus-ratus tahun, mereka telah dipaksa untuk meng­gunakan huruf Roman oleh kerajaan Thailand.

Pada tahun 1909, Siam menganugerahkan kepada Pattani sesuatu yang konon­nya dipanggil kemerdekaan, walaupun polisi menindas kerajaan Thailand tidak ber­ubah sama sekali. Umat Islam Pattani bangkit bagi menuntut kemerdekaan se­benar selama berkali-kali, tetapi pasti dikalahkan de­ngan kejam sekali, lalu me­nyebabkan mereka ber­hijrah beramai-ramai ke Malaysia.

Para pemerintah Thai terus menjalankan polisi mene­kan dan asimilasi yang bertujuan untuk me­ma­dam­kan identiti Islam Pattani. Tindakan yang pertama ber­laku pada tahun 1932, apabila pertubuhan-pertubuhan pendidikan Islam telah di­haramkan dari menjalankan sebarang kegiatan. Polisi penghapusan yang lebih besar telah dimulakan pada tahun 1944, dan mengakibatkan umat Islam Pattani dan ahli keluarga mereka dibunuh dengan kejam oleh para penganut Budda. Pengamalan rukun-rukun Islam dilarang sama sekali, dan ajaran Budda mula disebarkan kepada masyarakat. Ajaran Buddhisme menjadi wajib di sekolah-sekolah, dan para pelajar Islam dipaksa mengamalkan ajaran-ajaran Budda.

Selama bertahun-tahun, para pemerintah Thailand telah melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai ke atas umat Islam Pattani. Pada tahun 1944, 125 buah keluarga Islam yang tinggal di Belukar Samak telah dibakar hidup-hidup. Polisi-polisi asimilasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Thailand dapat dilihat dan dirasai dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Banyak menara-menara yang diruntuhkan di Pattani.

Sebagai sebahagian daripada polisi asimilasi ini, keseimbangan demografi di kawasan Pattani turut diubah apabila orang-orang Budda digalakkan supaya berpindah ke sana. Patung Budda terbesar di Thailand telah ditegakkan di Pattani, dan umat Islam dipaksa supaya menyembahnya. Sesiapa yang enggan telah dibunuh atau dicampakkan ke Kota River.

Pada masa yang sama, tempat perlindungan pejuang kebebasan Pattani telah diruntuhkan oleh kerajaan Thailand dan beratus-ratus rakyat Pattani yang tidak bersalah telah didera. Para ulama Islam yang terkenal telah mati di bawah keadaan yang sangat mencurigakan di pusat-pusat kesihatan milik kerajaan Thailand. Pembunuhan dan kehilangan yang tidak berkesudahan sudah menjadi darah daging kehidupan.

Perjuangan bagi mendapatkan kemerdekaan oleh umat Islam Pattani, yang sedang mengalami penderitaan, bermula selepas Perang Dunia II dan berterusan sehingga ke hari ini.

Militants Met To Plan Attack

Report by a government fact-finding team released by the National Reconciliation Commission
April 20, 2004 - a group of 20 instigators met at the home of Hama Saleh in Pattani’s Khok Pho district to plan the attack on a military post near the Krue Se Mosque.

- Key instigators included Isma-ae “Ustaz Soh” Rayarong, Samaae Lateh, Sakariya Yusoh, Abdulroha Sama and Mana “Baeka” Madiyoh.
- Hama, Samaae and Sakariya were among the militants killed inside the mosque. Abdulroha was killed near Mae Lan police station in Pattani. Mana was arrested in Yala.
- Three other instigators - Asmi “Saimee” Salam, Fauzi Salam and Niloh Tonee - reported to the Fourth Army Region and gave their respective statements in July 2004.
- The instigators designated a number of targets, including a post near Krue Se Mosque, for attacks. Hama was in charge of selecting militant leaders and Asmi was to organise a prayer to boost morale.

April 27, 2004 - Prayers were conducted at Krue Se Mosque on the eve of the attacks.
l At the same time, five instigators were in charge of a religious ceremony to release consecrated sand at Songkhla’s Na Thawi district. The ceremony was meant to counter anti-riot operations.
l Following the prayers, local residents reported that a group of 30 Muslims from Yala and Songkhla, dressed for dawa (religious propagation), had dinner at Makamae restaurant. They acted suspiciously.

Militants at Krue Se Mosque on April 28, 2004
- 2am: A team of five militants left the mosque to conduct the religious ceremony aimed to countering the security forces.
- 2.30am: About six to eight militants arrived at the mosque, reinforcing some 18 militants who had spent the night there.
- 4am: Mahasan Madahir Tohbilan, on duty to lead the morning prayer, noticed an unusual number of young men in dawa garments from out of town. After the prayer session, these suspicious-looking men donned black T-shirts, camouflage pants and white headbands.
- 5.10am: About 30 militants moved in two directions from the mosque to security checkpoints.
- Shortly afterward, Sergeant Anwar Benhawan, a Border Patrol Police officer on duty at Checkpoint 9, saw three soldiers flee a nearby post. One of the soldiers alerted him to the danger, saying another soldier had been stabbed.
- Anwar heard a firefight amid a broadcast from the mosque calling for residents to come out and join the fight.
- Another police officer, Sergeant Ibrahim Karina, saw his fellow officer, Sergeant Chamnan Aksornniam, trying to flee a group of knife-wielding assailants. Chamnan died from multiple knife wounds. Ibrahim sustained several wounds.
- Chamnan, Ibrahim, another police officer and three civilians were among the first casualties of the Krue Se Mosque incident. Five motorcycles were torched.
- Around dawn, militants continuously broadcast a message in Malay vowing to fight to the death.
- At first light, security forces started to arrive and put up a cordon around the mosque. Some militants holed up inside the mosque and others fled to hide at a nearby coconut plantation.
- Village headman Doloh Niloh assisted the security forces in trying to prevent onlookers from interfering with operations.
- Some 100 militants staged simultaneous assaults on seven targets in Yala, three in Pattani and one in Songkhla.

Krue Se Mosque anti-riot operations
- Colonel Manas Kongpaen, commander of the Pattani task force, dispatched a five-member patrol team to assess the situation. The team, riding a Humvee armoured vehicle, was shot at from inside the mosque and retreated.
- 6am: Anti-riot forces and snipers were deployed. An hour later, police started to close off roads around the mosque.
- Anti-riot forces and militants exchanged fire. Onlookers started to chant for the security forces to stop shooting after a Muslim man was shot.
- The military mistakenly shot Donkodae Jeho while he was emerging from the mosque. He was not a militant and had earlier performed a religious rite for many militants who were close to death after being
fatally shot by security forces.
- 8am: Militants holed up inside the mosque started to launch M-79 grenades. A number of anti-riot troops were injured by the gunfire and grenade attacks.
- 9am: Anti-riot forces began to fire teargas, but failed because the mosque was heavily barricaded.
- 10am: Another attempt was made to throw teargas grenades. An hour later, three grenades were thrown inside the mosque and casualties were reported. The crowd of onlookers increased to more than 1,000.
- Noon: General Panlop Pinmanee, deputy director of Internal Security Operatons Command, arrived at the scene.
- Manas briefed Panlop that Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh had instructed anti-riot forces to surround the mosque in order to force the surrender of militants.
- After Panlop’s arrival, Chavalit issued another instruction via a telephone call to bring food and water to the militants in order to convince them to surrender.
- Panlop talked with Chavalit, notifying him about the necessity for military action.
- 12.30pm. The military threw four grenades inside the mosque.
- 1pm. The firefight erupted again.
- 1.45pm. Anti-riot forces began a two-prong operation to launch simutaneous attacks from two directions. Five teams comprising 17 soldiers were designated to lead the charge against the mosque.
- General Pisan Wattawongkhiri, commanding general of the Fourth Army Region, said that as the military raid was being organised, militants fired M-79 grenades in an attempt to incite onlookers to riot.
- 2pm. The military raid commenced. Five teams charged from two directions and threw altogether nine grenades before opening fire. The charge from the northern side found two militants already dead before the raid.
- About four to six militants tried to return fire and were shot in the head, as per normal sniper procedure.
- The raid lasted four to six minutes.
- Pisan personally inspected the scene following the raid and found 31 dead. Arms uncovered included three HK-33 rifles, two M-16 assault rifles, one M-79 grenade launcher, eight Sparta knives, three trekking knives and one machete.
- As the crowd started to become unruly at around 3pm, the bodies were quickly removed to the provincial hospital - no forensic checks were made at the scene.
- 4pm: Anti-riot forces left the mosque. Afterwards, onlookers were allowed inside.
- The bodies were released to relatives without full autopsies. Blood samples were collected and urine tests indicated no substance of narcotics or other illegal substances.

The committee findings
- Onlookers started to congregate around 7am and their involvement focused on rescuing Donkodae, who
was mistakenly shot by anti-riot forces.
- Late in the morning, the crowd - concerned that the historic mosque would be damaged - started to protest the military’s use of heavy weapons.
- Around 1 or 2pm, while the raid was being planned, the crowd numbered about 1,000 and remained peaceful.
- The number of onlookers surged
to 4,000 following the military raid and protest chants began because authorities blocked them from entering the mosque.
In their negotiations with the militants, anti-riot forces conducted no talks, but simply announced a series of warnings to encourage surrender.
- Religious and
community leaders approached by the military said they were not involved in the mediation attempts because they had declined the offer, were absent at the time, or else could not enter the mosque.
- The anti-riot forces appear to have failed to launch genuine negotiations for the surrender of militants.
- All those killed in the mosque were suspected militants. No pilgrims were present in the mosque when the raid took place.
- All the militants killed were in their 30s except for two aged 17 and 18.
- There is no evidence to substantiate speculation that authorities lured and trapped the militants in the mosque.
- There was also no evidence that authorities had learned about the incident in advance.

Conclusions on the Krue Se Mosque incident
- The committee was divided in
its findings. In the majority were Suchinda Yongsunthron, Aree Wongaraya, Charan Maluleem, Mahati Wimana and Akis Pitakkhumpol. The minority was led by Bhumarat Taksadipong.
The conclusions drawn by the majority
- l The Krue Se Mosque is situated far from the centre of town and thus away from crowds. Its location would have been conducive to lengthy negotiations to end the stand-off. A surrender by the militants might have helped the government’s investigation into unrest in the South.
- Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit had issued a standing order to end the incident by peaceful means, but anti-riot forces lacked the necessary training to manage the crisis and bring about a peaceful conclusion.
- The government should learn a lesson and try to prevent a repeat of the violent suppression.
- Anti-riot forces were operating under intense pressure on April 28 due to attacks at Krue Se Mosque and 11 other targets. The authorities concerned made a decision in good faith to raid the mosque. But the use of heavy weapons was excessive and did not correspond with the arms used by the militants.
- The bodies of the slain militants were not examined in accordance with judicial procedures.

The minority opinion, offering
additional observations that should not be construed as opposing the majority
- No conclusion should be drawn on whether anti-riot operations were excessive. Any such conclusion would be subjective.
- The April 28 attacks were planned, amounting to a battle carried out by enemies of the state.
- The risk of imminent danger should be factor in assessing the level of arms deployed in an anti-riot operation. The types of arms deployed failed to reflect the true situation when security forces had to decide on a course of action.
- The anti-riot forces were obliged to prevent casualties if attacks did not stop. Their action was critical when militants showed no sign of ending the killing rampage or having an inclination to negotiation.
- Anti-riot forces followed the rules of engagement in returning fire initiated by the militants.
- The anti-riot operations should not be judged by hindsight. “Fighters” and “spectators” often have different perspectives on a given incident. Responsible officials had to make decisions under the circumstances and they do not have information that was only uncovered later.
- The anti-riot operations were carried out in good faith to end an act of rebellion.

Army Chiefs Deemed Responsible

An official report by a government-appointed investigative team released by the National Reconciliation Commission on Sunday has confirmed a number of suspicions and allegations regarding the crackdown on protesters outside Narathiwat’s Tak Bai police station last October.

The report also points the finger at certain senior military officers, including the then Fourth Army Region commander General Pisarn Wattanawongkiri.
The fact-finding committee and its four sub-committees have compiled a report with four sections: the introduction, the facts regarding the Tak Bai demonstration, the points of consideration by the fact-finding committee and the suggestions by the fact-finding committee.

The facts section is divided into 10 parts as follows:

1 Demonstration at the Tak Bai district police station in Narathiwat
2 Intelligence work by the authorities and preparations to deal with demonstrations, and negotiations with demonstrators
3 Use of force to break up the demonstration
4 Loading of arrested protesters on to military trucks
5 Transportation of arrested protesters from Tak Bai to the Ingkayuth military camp in Pattani’s Nong Chik district
6 Unloading protesters from the military trucks at the camp
7 Discovery of dead protesters inside the trucks, the filing of death reports and taking care of detainees
8 Results of the post-mortems on seven people killed during the dispersal of demonstrators, and on 78 detainees who died on the trucks. The results of drug tests on detainees.
9 Legal proceedings against detainees
10 Remedy process: Government’s dealing with the injured and killed as well as detainees’ belongings.


People gathered in front of Tak Bai district police station on October 25, 2004 to demand the release of six suspects who were defence volunteers of a village and were charged with giving state guns to militants. Security forces’ attempt to have the demonstrators disperse failed.
It was later discovered from detained protesters that some of them could not leave the rally’s location because they were blocked by the demonstration leaders as well as being surrounded by security forces.
Moreover, many demonstrators did not hear the security forces, religious leaders or their relatives who came to the rally’s location to ask them to disperse. This was because when the authorities, religious leaders and relatives spoke through a loudspeaker, organisers of the protest would boo and jeer.
At 3:10pm, some demonstrators tried to break through the barrier to go inside the district police station’s compound. As a result, the Fourth Army region commander ordered the dispersal of the demonstrators. At that time, gunfire was heard to the side of the demonstrators and a policeman was injured. A videotape recording by a reporter from the Mass Communication Organisation of Thailand revealed that a soldier fired a warning shot, but his gun was not aimed at the sky but horizontally. Several military officers later explained that firing horizontally was a tactic to force the demonstrators to lie down.

Transportation of detained demonstrators from Tak Bai district police station to the Ingkayuth military camp in Pattani’s Nong Chik district

The Southern Border Provinces Peace-building Command testified that there were two convoys of military trucks. The first convoy departed Tak Bai at 4.15pm and reached the military camp at 7.30pm. The second convoy left Tak Bai at 7pm and reached the destination at 10pm.
But a driver [name withheld] of a truck, on which 23 dead bodies were found, testified that his truck left Tak Bai at 5pm and reached the military camp at 10pm. Another driver [name withheld] of a truck, on which 21 dead bodies were found, said he left Tak Bai and reached the camp at nearly the same time.
A sub-committee in charge of determining the facts and evidence learned from detained protesters that the first truck left the Tak Bai police station at 3.40pm and reached the camp at 5.40pm. The detainees said some trucks left the police station at 6pm and reached the camp at 9pm and some left the police station at 9pm and reached the camp at 2am the following day.
The detainees also testified that during the journey when detainees called for help, they were assaulted by guards who used either a rifle butt or a baton. Some soldiers also kicked or stomped on the detainees. Detainees also said some soldiers treated detainees very well during the journey. The sub-committee interviewed 92 detainees and nearly all of them testified that they were ordered to lie face down on top of one another during transportation. They reached the camp in the same face-down, prone position. But one of them was allowed to sit during the trip.
Lt-Col Watchara Sukwong, who was among officers unloading the detainees, found about 20 dead in a truck carrying about 70 detainees. The detainees were lying face down with hands tied behind their back. Col Noppanan Chunpradab found that detainees were lying face down inside the first truck but they did not lie on top of one another. The first truck had one fatality, killed by being hit by a hard object.

Discovery of the dead inside the military trucks

1 Death toll

A total of 78 detained protesters died during transportation. The military report revealed details of the deaths in each truck as follows:

Truck with Army Licence Plate No 19338, 21 detainees killed
Truck with Army Licence Plate No 19232, 5 detainees killed
Truck with Army Licence Plate No 19263, 6 detainees killed
Truck with Army Licence Plate No 13164, 23 detainees killed
Truck with Marine Licence Plate No 531, 5 detainees killed
Truck with Marine Licence Plate No 5256, one detainee killed
Truck with Marine Licence Plate No 530, six detainees killed.
Eleven other detainees died in trucks whose licence numbers could not be identified.

The fact-finding committee tried but failed to determine the order of departure and arrival of the trucks in order to determine travel time.

2 Number of detainees transferred on each truck

The committee did not get details on how many detainees each truck carried but obtained the following information:
Col Noppanan Chunpra-dab, who took part in unloading detainees at the camp until 9.30pm, found that the first truck was not too crowded and there was only one death. The dead person appeared to have been hit by a hard object.
Lt-Col Watchara Suk-wong testified that a truck carrying about 70 detainees had about 20 deaths.
The Southern Border Provinces Peace-building Command reported to the prime minister that each truck transported about 50, 70 or 90 detainees. The 21st truck carried 90 detainees and there were 23 deaths in the truck.
Information found by a sub-committee of the fact-finding committee found that each truck carried about 60 detainees, 70 detainees or 80 detainees.

3 People who discovered the deaths

When soldiers unloaded detainees from each truck, they found that some detainees were lying face down and not moving. Soldiers shook the bodies, which did not move, and then asked a military doctor, Lieutenant Jirasak, who was treating the injured, to check them. Jirasak found that the motionless detainees were dead after checking their pulse and retinas.

4 Times of death

The exact times of the detainees’ deaths are not known. But it was learnt from testimonies that the detainees died during transportation from the Tak Bai police station to the Ingkayuth military camp.

5 Time when the dead were discovered

Col Noppanan Chunpradab testified that the first death was discovered in the first truck. Later at 11pm, word spread among the soldiers that 20 more dead were found. Between 1am and 2am, it was reported among the military officers that the death toll had climbed to about 70.

6 Handling of transported detainees after the deaths were discovered

The fact-finding committee asked military officers in charge of transporting detainees why they did not remove detainees from the other trucks after the deaths in earlier trucks had been discovered. The officers replied that although the trucks had reached the camp, they had to gradually unload one truck at a time for fear that they would not be able to control so many detainees when they were on the ground at the same time.

7 Handling of the bodies

Bodies of the dead detainees were sent to a building for post-mortems.

Reporting the deaths

1 Reporting inside the Ingkayuth military camp

Verbal reports were made irregularly inside the military camp about the deaths. Col Noppanan Chunpradab, who left the military prison for his residence inside the camp at 9.30pm, heard that the number of deaths had increased by 20. Between 1am and 2am on October 26, it was reported among military officers that the death toll had climbed to about 70.

2 Reporting to higher authorities

Higher authorities received reports as follows:
The deputy commander of the Southern Border Provinces Peace-building Command, Siwa Saengmanee received a report at 10am on October 26 that a total of 78 detainees had died.
The then southern Army commander testified that he received a report at 7.45am on October 26 that 78 people had died. He said he left the Tak Bai police station at 7pm on October 25 to meet the prime minister at the Royal Princess Hotel in Narathiwat and was granted an audience with Her Majesty the Queen. He left the Southern Palace at 4am on October 26. He did not receive any report between 7pm on October 25 and 7.45am the following day.
But General Wiset Konguthaikul, deputy chief royal guard of the Queen, testified that the southern Army commander and several other military and civilian officers were granted an audience at 00.30am and left at 1.30am on October 26. During the audience, it was already heard that the death toll of detainees had climbed to 70. Wiset said the southern Army chief could have used a mobile phone during the audience in case of an emergency.

Treatment and registration of detainees

Detainees received Halal food and water inside the Ingkayuth camp. Detainees from the first truck received the food and water at 8.30pm and the rest were gradually given food and water. The last group received food and water at 3.30am on October 26.
Detainees, who received minor injuries, received medical treatment at the hospital inside the military prison. Those with more severe injuries were sent to the camp’s military hospital. Those with conditions considered to be too severe to be treated at the camp’s hospital were sent to the provincial hospital and the Prince of Songkhla University Hospital.
The post-mortem examinations of victims (seven people who were killed when security forces dispersed crowds at Tak Bai police station, and 78 others found dead on arrival at Ingkhayuth military camp), and drug tests on detainees:

1 Post-mortem examinations
On the post-mortem examinations of 85 people killed as a result of the demonstration at Tak Bai police station, an independent committee has reviewed the following:
- Post-mortem examination results by Tak Bai police station’s investigators and the Central Institute of Forensic Science
- Investigation report by a fact-finding subcommittee on medical aspects
- Investigation report by a fact-finding subcommittee as well as clarifications by the Central Institute of Forensic Science’s deputy director Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand, who conducted the post-mortem examinations, and Ingkayuth Military Camp Hospital’s acting director Lieutenant Dr Jirasak Intasorn in his capacity as a doctor who found many detainees dead at the military camp.
Results of the post-mortem examinations:

1.1 The post-mortem examinations of 85 victims by Tak Bai police station, Nong Chik police station and Central Institute of Forensic Science.
1.1.1 Report by investigators at Tak Bai police station, Narathiwat, which looked into the deaths of the seven demonstrators. Six victims died at the protest site, while the seventh died at Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital. Police officers, administrative officers (an assistant district officer of Tak Bai District Office and an assistant district officer of Muang Narathiwat District Office), and public prosecutors conducted the autopsies between 4pm and 5pm on October 25, 2004. Their autopsy report said the seven protesters died of gunshot wounds.
1.1.2 A: The post-mortem examinations on the 78 people who died while being transferred from Tak Bai police station in Narathiwat to the Ingkayuth military camp in Pattani’s Nong Chik district. A medical team from the Central Institute of Forensic Science, Pattani Hospital doctors, police officers, administrative officers and public prosecutors conducted the post-mortem examinations (without dissection of the dead bodies) between 9am and 5pm on October 26, 2004.The post-mortem examinations found that:
1 Thirty-three people died of asphyxiation and pressure on their chests.
2 Four people died of asphyxiation as a result of pressure on their chests and also had injuries caused by blunt objects.
3 Ten people died of asphyxiation as a result of pressure on their chests. They had also suffered seizures as a result of a chemical imbalance in the blood and had injuries caused by blunt objects.
4 31 people died of asphyxiation.

B: Khunying Pornthip also clarified to the independent committee that:
- There was no trace of asphyxiation caused by strangulation, or by having plastic wrapped tightly around the victims’ heads. Most bodies had sclera haemorrhage, and had venous congestion.
- Fasting was not the cause of any of the deaths, which was rather to do with the standard of health of the detainees.
- The physical pressure exerted on detainees from being laid upon was insufficient to cause death.
1.2 Investigation report by a fact-finding subcommittee on medical aspects
1.2.1 Regarding the seven people killed at Tak Bai police station and the one who sustained serious injuries and later died in hospital, the report concluded that it was clear the victims died of gunshot wounds caused by bullets shot from distance.
1.2.2 Regarding the deaths of the 78 people at the Inkayuth military camp in Pattani, the fact-finding subcommittee on medical aspects inferred their causes of death from physical examinations conducted on injured survivors. Of the injured victims, most suffered crush injuries and four also had compartment syndrome that meant they required urgent operations. Medical specialists said the fact that the protesting Thai Muslims had been fasting without food or liquids for more than 12 hours; that they had been exposed to the scorching sun; and that they had experienced violent treatment during the demonstration, dispersal and transfers on overcrowded vehicles had led to their injuries. The transfers took more than three hours, in some cases on overcrowded vehicles, causing rhabdomyolysis as well as a chemical imbalance in the blood and blood cells. The imbalance was so severe that muscles involved with breathing could hardly function. In the most severe cases the victims died. It was concluded that the above factors caused the deaths of the detainees. Furthermore, the autopsies on the 78 detainees who died on their way from Tak Bai police station in Narathiwat’s Tak Bai district to Ingkayuth military camp in Pattani’s Nong Chik district showed that most deaths were caused by asphyxiation and pressure on the chest and breathing muscles. There were also some signs of seizures and chemical imbalances in the blood, which could have resulted in death. Therefore, the subcommittee concluded that all 78 detainees died of the same cause - rhabdomyolysis, which causes abnormal breathing. When coupled with the shortage of food and water and long exposure to sweltering heat, the condition can result in death.

2 Drug test results
The fact-finding subcommittee on medical aspects reported the results of drug tests carried out on detainees at Ingkayuth military camp, injured victims from the Tak Bai incident and those who died while in detention as follows:
2.1 Of 1,093 subjects from detainees at the military camp, 13 tested positive for drugs. Details are:
2.1.1 Eight subjects tested positive for methamphetamines
2.1.2 One subject tested positive for ephedrine
2.1.3 One subject tested positive for Benzo
2.1.4 Two subjects tested positive for THC (marijuana)
2.2 Of the 13 injured subjects tested at Pattani Hospital, one tested positive for morphine.
2.3 Of the 78 detainees found dead at Ingkayuth military camp, only 40 were selected for drug tests. Of those, two tested positive for drugs: one for ephedrine and one for morphine. The results of the drug tests are limited, however, as not all the detainees who died were tested.

The independent committee’s findings

Was the protest outside Tak Bai District Police Station in Narathiwat on October 25 systematically organised?
Yes. There were two reasons the protest was organised: to call for the release of six village defence volunteers and to pray for them.
The committee analysed the behaviour of the protesters before and after the crack down and found that the protest was systematically organised in the same way as earlier protests in Pattani and Narathiwat.
The protest leaders intentionally organised the protest during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and planned to instigate police anger.
About 30 protest leaders were in front of the crowd, the rest of the protesters were persuaded to gather to give morale support to the defence volunteers and to pray for them. Some joined the protest out of curiosity.

Did the protesters carry arms?
Reports from the South-ern Border Provinces Peace-building Command and Lt-General Pisarn Wattanawong-kiri, commander of the Fourth Army Region at the time of the protest, concluded that some protesters carried arms. Police reported that they found bullets and arms hidden in the river.
The committee’s analysis of reports and questioning of witnesses led it to believe that some protest leaders carried arms, although the number was not great.
A policeman was wounded after a shot was fired from where protesters were gathered. If there had been a large number of arms, more police would have been wounded or killed when they tried to disperse protesters.

Were the measures used to disperse protesters appropriate?
They were appropriate. There were roadblocks preventing people from going into Tak Bai District Police Station and six separate negotiations were undertaken to try to get the crowd to disperse. Those negotiations involved police, religious leaders and the parents of the six detained defence volunteers.
The committee, however, noted that had the roadblocks been erected earlier or more effectively, there would have been fewer protesters. Loudspeakers used by state officials to ask protesters to disperse were not loud enough.

Were the reasons given for dispersing protesters or the methods used for removing them appropriate?
The committee believes state officials had grounds to disperse the protesters, because the protest involved a large number of people.
The protest was planned and organised. The protesters carried sticks, stones and may have had hidden arms. State officials were also placed under pressure because of the length of the protest.
However, the committee did not agree with the use of military Rangers or conscripted military or the firing of real bullets to crack down on protesters.
Seven protesters were killed [five were shot in the head] and 15 police officers were injured during the crack down. About 1,370 protesters were detained.
Since police and protesters were injured or killed in the crackdown, their cases should be allowed to go through the justice system.
Autopsies refuted reports that protesters were shot at point-blank range.

Was the detention of protesters appropriate and legal?
There were mistakes and flaws in the detention, because state officials had wanted to detain only protest leaders. But after protesters removed their shirts, officials could not identify the leaders. They then decided to detain all the protesters.
Only four trucks were sent to transport protesters because authorities initially intended toarrest just the leaders.
According to martial law, protesters can be detained no longer than a week.

Was the decision to use a military camp in Pattani to detain protesters appropriate?
It was appropriate, because the military camp in Narathiwat would not have been large enough to house them all, and the Pattani camp also had facilities to treat any injured protesters.

Was the transport of protesters from Tak Bai to the camp in Pattani up to scratch?
The transport operation was rushed and carried out in a state of confusion.
A total of 28 trucks were provided without knowing how many protesters needed to be transported.
The trucks that left first carried only 50 protesters each, while the rest were heavily packed.
The committee found that protesters were laid out on top of each other facing down in layers of three to four on the trucks.
High-ranking officials who oversaw the transport of protesters were guilty of dereliction of duty, as they failed to ensure it was carried out sensibly.
Seventy-eight protesters died while being transported.

Was the time it took to transport protesters acceptable?
The trucks in which 77 of the protesters died took some five hours to travel to the camp - an acceptable time given that it rained and was dark.
There were also nails and a blockade left by militants on the roads.
The trucks were forced to stop frequently because of shift changes for security personnel and rumours that militants were planning an operation to free the protesters.
However, it was irresponsible for security officials not to act sensibly when they found out that protesters had died on the trucks.

Were protesters treated well at the military camp in Pattani?
Yes. Doctors and nurses were on hand to treat injured protesters.

Are any protesters missing?
Seven people from Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala are missing. Local officials must speed up investigations to find their whereabouts. They must also provide moral support to relatives of the missing.

Who must take responsibility for the crackdown and the transportation of protesters?
The committee found that Maj-General Chalermchai Wiroonphet, then commander of the Fifth Infantry Division, is responsible for both incidents.
He was not at the scene to oversee the operation to the end. Instead, he left the scene at 7.30pm without an acceptable excuse, to meet the prime minister in Narathiwat.
Maj-General Sinchai Nutsatit, the then deputy commander of the Fourth Army Region, was assigned to prepare water, food and accommodation for protesters once they arrived at the camp in Pattani.
He failed to take any action against officials who were in control of the transport of protesters when he found that some had died on the trucks.
He also did not act in any way to help protesters detained on the trucks. If he did act, he could have reduced the number of casualties.
Lt-General Pisarn was the highest authority after martial law was imposed.
Although he assigned subordinates to oversee the operation, it was his responsibility to make sure they succeeded in carrying out their tasks.
When he was informed 70 protesters had died on the trucks, he failed to act.
The committee concluded the tragedy that led to 78 deaths was beyond expectations and was not intentional.
State officials carried out their work under limitations that led to flaws and mistakes, but there was no deliberate act to cause death and injury.


Patani Merayu kepada Bangsa Sendiri.

August 22, 2007
Alhamdulillah setelah bermacam-macam usaha dibuat oleh penjajah Thai untuk melemah kan kebangkitan rakyat Patani maha suci allah lebih berkuasa. Setelah orang-orang kampung ditangkap dan dibasuh otak di kem-kem tertentu dengan kerjasama pengkhianat-pengkhianat bangsa dan ugama, mereka juga berusaha dengan berbagai cara-cara lain. Yang jelasnya mereka tidak bersendirian sekarang. Mereka ada pengkhianat-pengkhianat saperti Nik dir waba, Dr Ismail Lotfi dan penggiat-penggiat wahbi nya, Dr kamil hj Yusof, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Dana Hidup Baru, Dr wan kadir Patani. Itu antara tenaga dari dalam negeri yang bekerja keras untuk menghancurkan perjuangan jihad rakyat Fatoni Darul Salam. Mereka-mereka ini antara sekutu-sekutu syaitan yang berpayung secara terang-terang di bawah naungan pemerintah Buddha Thai. Dr Ismail Lotfi ketua Wahbi Patani agak licik.
Dia hanya melepaskan penyokong-penyokong yang bodoh ka Malaysia untuk berjumpa dengan tokoh-tokoh Fatoni disana dan memujuk mereka menerima rancangan Thai-Malaysia yang sedang hangat di perkatakan ini !!!.(Kerja orang-orang wahbi ini serupa dengan pengasas mereka iaitu Muhammad Abdul Wahab. Mereka lah yang bekerjasama dengan penjajah Inggeris menjatuhkan kerajaan othmaniah dan meruntuh kan benteng Islam Mekah dan Madinah dan menyerah kan nya ka tangan bapa-bapa mereka Amerika-Israel melalui kuncu-kuncu nya bani Saud).Mereka-mereka ini menuduh pejuang-pejuang membunuh orang-orang tidak berdosa(Tentera Penjajah Thai?). Mereka menghasut para guru-guru ugama dan rakyat supaya membenci pejuang-pejuang.
Apakah mereka sudah lupa apa yang di laku kan oleh Siam di KRISIK DAN TAKBAI? Siapa yang akan membela darah-darah orang Patani yang di bunuh tanpa senjata itu?
Mereka juga ada orang luar si laknatullah Sheikhul Islam Mesir, Tantawi yang telah mengeluarkan fatwa boleh dibunuh pejuang-pejuang Islam yang menentang tentera-tentera penjajah Thai!!! Kesemua mereka ini adalah antara-pengkhianat-pengkhianat yang telah di temui oleh pihak Task Force 2010 yang tertubuh hasil daripada perjanjian kerajaan Malaysia dengan penjajah Thai. Matlamat nya untuk menghentikan kebangkitan rakyat yang sedang bergelora sekarang. Kebangkitan rakyat yang sudah bermula sejak dari perjanjian Anglo-Bangkok 1909 !!
Mereka-mereka ini sudah termakan dengan helah Siam (yang di lahirkan dengan kepakaran menipu) yang pintar itu. Mereka meng klaim kan bahawa mereka sudah dapat menunduk kan orang-orang Thai dalam perundingan dan berjaya untuk tolong orang-orang fatoni.
Sebenarnya anak-anak muda yang baru belajar politik pun ketawa dengan alasan bahawa mereka nak tolong fatoni. Kenapa bersungguh-sungguh sangat sekarang (setelah minyak ditemui dilaut Patani)? Sedang kan orang-orang Patani telah merayu sejak dari zaman Tengku Mahmud Muhyiddin lagi tapi penjajah Inggeris dan pemerintah berikutnya tidak ambil peduli. Apa kah sikap kerajaan Malaysia terhadap hampir setengah juta orang-orang patani yang berada di Malaysia. Kenapa sekarang baru nak tolong Fatoni?
Kalau bangsa Arab yang bangang tu boleh menganggap perjuangan Palestin adalah perjuangan Arab kenapa negara-negara melayu serantau tidak boleh berbuat demikian.
Sekurang-kurang nya tidak menghalau orang-orang Patani saperti kambing liar. (Kenapa orang-orang Patani tidak dipanggil dengan nama Patani? Kenapa harus di panggil mereka dengan orang Selatan Thai? Atau orang Thai? Kami bukan orang Thai kami orang Patani. Orang Thai berugama Buddha!! Kami berugama Islam! Jangan menghina bangsa sendiri. Betul kami belum maju saperti Malaysia tapi sekurang-kurangnya kami tak rela Negara kami di jajah oleh bangsa lain.)
Adakah kerana nak jaga perpaduan Asean yang juga bimbang bahawa kebangkitan ini akan meng akibatkan terbentuk sebuah kerajaan Islam di rantau ini? Kebimbangan ini adalah kebimbangan yang sama berlaku keatas Palestin. Di Palestin mereka bimbang kan Hamas. Di Patani juga mereka bimbangkan Hamas Patani juga?
Mereka menggunakan hampir taktik yang sama untuk mengganyangkan kebangkitan Islam di Palestin dan di Patani. Kalau di Patani mereka mematikan api letrik lebih dua minggu untuk menghukum orang-orang kampong (di Lampaya) di Palestin juga mereka telah mula mematikan bekalan letrik di Gaza.
Kalau zaman penjajahan Inggeris di Tanah Melayu dahulu mereka menangkap dan memenjarakan pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan demi untuk memboleh kan anak-anak didikan mereka mengambil tempat memujuk hati rakyat. Nampaknya di Patani pun mereka akan mengulangi strateji tersebut. Mereka telah pun melepaskan khabar-khabar angin untuk menangkap orang-orang tertentu yang berada di Malaysia atau menghalau mereka yang tidak menyokong (bukan menentang) perdamaian dengan penjajah Thai. Ini untuk memudahkan mereka mendidik dan memberi peluang kapada orang-orang pilihan mereka menerajui Patani nanti.
Percaya lah mereka tidak hanya berdepan dengan empat atau lima orang sahaja tapi mereka akan berdepan dengan satu kekuatan yang maha dahsyat yang datang dari allah swt. Kekuatan yang mereka tidak pernah duga dan sangka sama sekali. Kebangkitan ini sudah tidak dapat di bendung lagi. Ianya perancangan ilahi. Bermula dari pembunuhan beramai-ramai di krisik dan massacre di TAKBAI kebangkitan ini akan berakhir dengan terasas nya kerajaan yang adil kapada semua ugama dan bangsa dan tidak akan menyusahkan jiran-jiran yang ada. Kebangkitan ini hanya mendapat bantuan eklusif dari langit!!
Kenapakah harus di paksa orang-orang Patani supaya menerima perkara-perkara yang tidak di bincang dengan mereka?. Kenapa harus dibuat ala Mahathir di Langkawi. Paksa orang-orang Patani menandatangani sesuatu yang tidak di persetujui mereka!!. Orang-orang Patani ni bukan lah susah sangat untuk diajak berunding. Tapi ianya hendaklah dilakukan di meja bundar secara menyeluruh. Bukan nya dengan menemui dan memaksa seorang demi seorang untuk menerima keputusan yang telah di buat.
Adakah Malaysia dan Thailand mahu penyelesaian yang hakiki dan jangka panjang atau penyelesaian sementara yang akan meng akibat kan perpecahan rakyat Patani. Penyelesaian yang sementara Ini akan menggoncang kedudukan ASEAN sendiri. Jangan di harap mereka dapat meratah kekayaan Patani dengan mudah kalau ianya tidak di restui oleh rakyat Patani. Sekali lagi kami merayu kapada mereka-mereka yang ingin menyelesaikan masaalah Patani. Berbincanglah dengan kami walaupun terpaksa memakan masa yang panjang. Dapatkan konsenses dari semua puak.
Patani boleh aman kalau dibiarkan orang Patani menentukan nasib sendiri.Jangan memaksa orang-orang Patani cari alternatif lain. Cepat sebelum terlambat.

Malaysian PM readies For Visit To Deep South

HUA HIN : Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak will visit Bangkok in early December before joining Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on a tour of the three southernmost provinces. He [Mr Abhisit] has invited me to go to the South. It will be very interesting and probably will give me an opportunity to talk to the leaders in the South ... [and] examine the situation on the ground," Mr Najib told the Bangkok Post yesterday.

Malaysia will continue to support Thailand in any way it can "in a transparent manner", he said.

Asked how he viewed the situation in Thailand's South from a security and defence perspective, the Malaysian leader said: "It is somewhat less tense or even less violent now. I think a couple of years ago it was at a peak.

"Now the number of incidents have gone down, although it is still very serious."

Malaysia would like to see "a real positive" resolution of the problem, Mr Najib said, adding the difficulties were not insurmountable if there was proper engagement with the people.

A resolution of the violence and extremism can occur if the Thai government engages with "the right people" and acknowledges that it can and should address legitimate grievances.

However, if the demands on the Thai government go beyond these grievances - such as demands for independence or secession - then "that is totally out of the question. It must be within the Thai constitution," he said. A lasting resolution is a question of trust - "trust and, eventually, winning the hearts and minds of the people in the South".

"If you can develop their trust and they feel that the government is genuinely concerned about their interests and their plight, then I think you will see the situation improving. Once the majority of the people are with you, then you can eliminate the extremists.

"Religion is a very integral part of the society of the three southernmost provinces. They are deeply committed to their way of life and religion is the mainstay of their way of life.

"If we understand the needs of the community there, I am sure things can be worked out. The bottom line is that I am positive it is do-able," he said.

Asked if he would meet former prime minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, who has said he will visit Kuala Lumpur to discuss the situation in the South, Mr Najib said: "I have known Chavalit for years. He's an old friend. So I would be delighted to meet him."


Masjid Kerisik: Thai Tingkat Kawalan

BANGKOK 27 April - Pihak berkuasa Thailand diletakkan dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga bagi menghadapi kemungkinan serangan puak pemisah di selatan sewaktu ulang tahun keempat serbuan ke atas Masjid Kerisik di Pattani, esok.

Jurucakap tentera, Kolonel Akara Thiprote berkata, perisikan mendapati puak pemisah merancang melakukan serangan sempena ulang tahun insiden yang meragut lebih 100 nyawa itu.

Dalam peristiwa 28 April 2004 itu, beratus-ratus penduduk Islam di selatan bertindak menawan masjid tersebut dan pihak berkuasa telah membunuh 107 penduduk yang dipercayai anggota puak pemisah dalam serbuan balas.

Peristiwa itu dianggap pencetus kepada kebangkitan semula pejuang pemisah di wilayah didominasi oleh penduduk Islam iaitu Yala, Pattani dan Narathiwat.

Penduduk di wilayah itu mendakwa mereka dilayan sebagai warga kelas kedua oleh kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh penduduk beragama Buddha.

- AP


Lima PM Gagal Pulih Selatan Thailand

SERANGAN ke atas pos tentera di Narathiwat pada 4 Januari 2004 merupakan pencetus gelora di selatan Thai. Sejak itu tiga wilayah Islam di sana - Pattani, Narathiwat dan Yala - berdepan dengan keganasan

Ia berlaku hampir setiap hari. Berita mengenai serangan terhadap penduduk, termasuk penjawat awam, bukan lagi sesuatu yang eksklusif. Penduduk di tiga wilayah itu sudah lali dengan pertumpahan darah.

Lima tahun sudah berlalu. Namun ketegangan di selatan masih belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda untuk berakhir. Malah ia semakin semarak seiring putaran waktu.

Serangan ke atas Masjid Al-Furqan di Kampung Air Tempayan di daerah Cho-ai-rong, Narathiwat pada malam 8 Jun adalah bukti kemelut itu seakan tiada penghujungnya.

Malah insiden yang mengorbankan 11 penduduk termasuk imam selain turut mencederakan 19 yang lain itu didakwa sebagai "pencetus gelombang keganasan baru" di selatan Thai.

Penyerang berkenaan tidak dikenali. Kesemuanya memakai pakaian hitam serta bertopeng. Mereka memasuki masjid itu ketika jemaah menunaikan solat, serta melepaskan tembakan dengan raifal M-16 dan pump gun.

Identiti yang tidak dikenali itu menyebabkan semua pihak kini dibelenggu prasangka. Masing-masing menuduh satu sama lain.

Ramai yang mengaitkan peristiwa itu sebagai angkara pihak tentera. Penduduk mempunyai alasan untuk berasa curiga. Peristiwa berdarah di Masjid Kerisik, Pattani pada April 2004 dan di Tak Bai, Narathiwat pada Oktober tahun yang sama mempunyai cerita pahit mengenai kaitan tentera dengan keganasan. Luka penduduk belum pulih bila dikaitkan dengan kedua-dua tragedi berkenaan.

Sementara itu, ada yang menuding kepada kumpulan ekstremis Buddha malah kumpulan pemisah turut dikaitkan dengan insiden tersebut. Sejak serangan lima tahun lalu itu, cerita mengenai pelbagai kumpulan pemisah timbul kembali. Antara yang paling kerap dikaitkan ialah Pertubuhan Pembebasan Bersatu Pattani (PULO) yang pernah aktif sekitar 1970-an dan awal 1980-an.

Selain unsur tuduh-menuduh, setiap kali timbul serangan "besar-besaran" seperti itu, isu ekonomi dan sosial di selatan Thai turut diperdebatkan. Ia dikatakan sebagai punca yang menyebabkan kekacauan di tiga wilayah itu gagal dikekang.

Bagaimanapun yang pasti, isu sosioekonomi itu hanya kekal sebagai perdebatan. Belum ada sebarang langkah membanggakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah di ketiga-tiga wilayah miskin itu.

Ikrar mengenai usaha menaikkan taraf penduduk di tiga wilayah itu belum digerakkan untuk menjadikannya kenyataan. Ironinya perkara itu telah dijanjikan sejak tercetusnya gelombang keganasan, lima tahun lalu.

Bangkok mula melafazkan janji itu selepas insiden kekerasan tentera pada 28 April 2004. Ia melibatkan tragedi pembunuhan 108 penduduk Islam akibat serbuan tentera ke atas Masjid Kerisik. Bangkok dikecam hebat. Dan keluarlah pelbagai janji untuk memberi perhatian kepada masalah penduduk di selatan.

Belum pun sempat kepincangan itu diatasi, berlaku pula tragedi di Tak Bai, Narathiwat. Tunjuk perasaan pada Oktober tahun yang sama sekali lagi menyaksikan kekerasan pihak tentera. Hampir 90 penduduk Islam terbunuh. Dendam di hati penduduk terhadap pasukan tentera terus membara.

Rentetan peristiwa itu, Bangkok sekali lagi mengikrarkan janji. Perhatian lebih serius akan diberikan kepada isu selatan Thai. Seperti biasa, janji itu masih kekal sebagai janji sehingga kini - sehingga serbuan terbaru ke atas Masjid Al-Furqan.

Sebenarnya, sejak serangan 4 Januari 2004, Thailand telah bertukar lima Perdana Menteri. Ketika di awal tercetusnya konflik, ia di bawah era pentadbiran Thaksin Shinawatra.

Dua tragedi keganasan pihak keselamatan di selatan pada 2004 menyebabkan Bangkok terumbang-ambing. Pentadbiran Thaksin gagal di selatan. Natijahnya beliau digulingkan pada rampasan kuasa September 2006.

Junta tentera yang mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan dan melantik Surayud Chulanont sebagai Perdana Menteri juga gagal di sana. Pilihan raya umum pertama selepas rampasan kuasa itu menyaksikan Samak Sundaravej dipilih sebagai Perdana Menteri baru. Namun konflik politik terus menghantui Bangkok. Akibatnya ia sekali lagi gagal memberi tumpuan kepada selatan. Kegagalan itu berterusan walaupun pentadbiran diambil alih oleh Somchai Wongsawat.

Kini pada era Abhisit Vejjajiva - sejak Disember lalu - tiada apa juga yang berlaku. Baru enam bulan berkuasa, Abhisit diuji dengan insiden di Masjid Al-Furqan.

Ketika ini pelbagai pihak memberi pendapat mengenai jalan penyelesaian konflik di selatan. Ramai yang berpendapat, ketiga-tiga wilayah itu akan tenang sekiranya Bangkok menunaikan janji memberi autonomi kepada penduduknya.

Selepas kegagalan memulihkan keadaan dalam tempoh lima tahun - di bawah lima Perdana Menteri - mungkin Bangkok perlu serius memikirkan isu berkenaan.

Lagipun Perlembagaan Thailand mempunyai peruntukan untuk memberikan hak autonomi kepada sesuatu wilayah. Ia merangkumi pelbagai bidang seperti pentadbiran, pendidikan, kewangan dan keselamatan.

Namun apa sahaja percaturannya, Bangkok seharusnya bersikap lebih serius terhadap isu di selatan. Ia bukan lagi sekadar masalah dalaman yang boleh dilayan sambil lewa.

Paling penting ia juga perlu bersikap lebih jujur dan telus kepada penduduk di wilayah majoriti Islam tersebut. Bangkok perlu menjadikan tragedi terbaru di daerah Cho-ai-rong itu sebagai pengajaran.

Kumpulan Hak Asasi Manusia Mahu OIC Campur Tangan Di Selatan Thailand

Oleh D. Arul Rajoo
BANGKOK, 21 Sept (Bernama) — Gabungan kumpulan hak asasi manusia di Thailand meminta Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC) menggesa kerajaan Thailand membebaskan lebih 600 penduduk Islam yang ditahan berkaitan pergolakan di selatan.
Dalam sepucuk surat dialamatkan kepada Setiausaha Agung OIC Prof Dr Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghe, Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP) berkata anggota keluarga tahanan berkenaan mahu mereka diberikan pilihan tanpa syarat untuk pulang ke rumah bagi menyambut Ramadan.
Pengerusinya, Angkhana Neelapaijit berkata OIC perlu meminta kerajaan Thailand memastikan hak asasi manusia dan hak kebebasan asas dihormati mengikut standard hak asasi manusia antarabangsa yang diperakui negara itu.
“Kami menulis surat hari ini untuk menyampaikan rasa bimbang kami terhadap langkah antikeganasan yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan Diraja Thailand di selatan Thailand berkaitan pencabulan prinsip dan standard hak asasi manusia antarabangsa,” katanya dalam surat bertarikh 26 Ogos.
Beliau ialah isteri kepada peguam hak asasi manusia Somchai Neelaphaijit yang telah hilang.
Ia juga menggesa supaya ditarik balik perintah berkurung di daerah Bannagstar dan Yaha di Yala yang menghalang penduduk kampung di kawasan itu menunaikan solat pada waktu malam di masjid. Pihak tentera telah menarik balik perintah berkurung sepanjang bulan Ramadan.
Menurut kumpulan itu, sejak Jun 2007, lebih 600 orang ditahan di tiga kawasan di selatan Thailand dengan operasi pertama diadakan pada 18 Jun di Bannangstar, Yala.
Setakat ini, lebih 20 operasi dijalankan di bawah operasi “Yuthakan Pitak Dantai” membabitkan 100 hingga 500 pegawai keselamatan yang menyerbu kampung-kampung pada awal pagi dan menahan mereka yang disyaki kumpulan pemberontak.
Pihak berkuasa menyatakan objektif operasi itu ialah untuk membanteras keganasan di Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat dan empat daerah di Songkhla di mana lebih 2,500 orang terbunuh sejak Januari 2004.
Angkhana berkata kebanyakan operasi itu dijalankan di kawasan yang dikategorikan zon merah, daerah yang dikenal pasti sebagai bermasalah yang sering berlaku keganasan, dikatakan dilakukan puak pemisah yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan bagi wilayah majoriti Islam.
Katanya anggota keluarga dan peguam dilarang melawat tahanan bagi tiga hari pertama ditahan dan juga terdapat laporan bahawa soal siasat yang dijalankan tentera turut melibatkan penderaan.
“Sekurang-kurangnya dua kes kehilangan dilaporkan sulit sejak operasi besar-besaran itu. Seorang dilaporkan hilang sejak 28 Jun, dan seorang lagi hilang sejak 11 Julai, kedua-duanya dilaporkan hilang dari wilayah Yala,” katanya.
Selepas ditahan 37 hari di bawah Undang-Undang Darurat dan Tentera, tahanan dipaksa menghadiri program latihan pekerjaan selama empat bulan dengan tujuan memberikan peluang kepada mereka untuk membina hidup baru, menggalakkan keselamatan dan memutuskan sokongan terhadap pemberontak.
Dalam surat yang dialamatkan kepada Perdana Menteri Surayud Chulanont, ia menyatakan tahanan patut didakwa sama ada mengikut kanun jenayah biasa atau dibebaskan, manakala pilihan diberikan kepada mereka sama ada menjalani latihan pekerjaan atau didakwa mengikut undang-undang berkaitan keselamatan negara.
Menurutnya kebanyakan tahanan bersetuju menjalani latihan atas pelbagai alasan, seperti takut dibunuh jika pulang ke rumah, sama ada oleh militan yang syak mereka menjadi ejen negara atau oleh negara yang mungkin peraya mereka terlibat dengan kegiatan militan.
“Sesetengahnya mahu pulang ke rumah dan keluarga kerana mereka merupakan orang yang bertanggungjawab menyara keluarga. Mereka takut jika mereka enggan memilih menjalani latihan, mereka akan didakwa melakukan kesalahan berkaitan keselamatan negara dan terbabit dalam proses perbicaraan yang lama,” menurutnya.

Autonomi Mungkin Satu Pilihan Buat Selatan Thailand - Najib

Oleh D. Arul Rajoo

HUA HIN (Thailand), 26 Okt (Bernama) -- Tuntutan kemerdekaan oleh kumpulan pemisah di Selatan Thailand adalah tidak wajar, namun Thailand seharusnya menawarkan tahap tertentu autonomi kepada wilayah yang majoritinya didiami oleh kaum Muslim itu, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Dalam satu temuramah berasingan dengan akhbar berbahasa Inggeris, Nation dan Bangkok Post pada Sidang Kemuncak ke-15 Asean di sini, Najib berkata tuntutan bagi mendapatkan kemerdekaan atau pemisahan tidak boleh diterima sama sekali.

Beliau berkata sebarang tuntutan terhadap kerajaan Thailand perlu berada dalam ruang lingkup perlembagaan Thailand.

"Resolusi yang berkekalan adalah soal kepercayaan - "kepercayaan, dan pastinya memenangi hati serta perasaan penduduk di Selatan," kata beliau yang dijadualkan melawat wilayah yang bergolak itu pada bulan Disember ini bersama dengan rakan sejawatannya Abhisit Vejjajiva selepas Rundingan Tahunan mereka di Bangkok.

Najib berkata beberapa bentuk autonomi tertentu boleh menjadi penyelesaian bagi menamatkan keganasan, dan menurutnya kerajaan Thailand boleh menawarkan kebebasan tertentu bagi penduduk di kawasan itu yang dirasakan amat penting buat penduduk tempatan, umpamanya pemilihan pemimpin tempatan, pekerjaan, agama dan pendidikan.

"Ia adalah keputusan Thailand sendiri untuk menimbangkan sejauh mana autonomi di kawasan itu dapat diberikan, dan Malaysia sebagai negara jiran, tidak akan masuk campur dalam perkara itu. Anda mungkin tidak mahu menamakannya autonomi, tapi mungkin sekurang-kurangnya ada sedikit bentuk pembabitannya," katanya.

Lebih daripada 3,600 orang terbunuh sejak kumpulan bersenjata menyambung kembali kempen mereka pada Januari 2004 bagi mendapatkan kemerdekaan buat wilayah majoriti kaum Muslim di Pattani, Yala dan Narathiwat yang bersempadan dengan Malaysia.

Najib berkata dalam lawatannya yang dirancang pada bulan Disember ini, beliau akan memberitahu penduduk tempatan bahawa Kuala Lumpur tidak akan menyokong mana-mana kumpulan ekstremis yang bertindak mencabuli undang-undang Thailand.

"Begini, anda tahu yang anda perlu menjadi rakyat Thailand yang baik. Jangan harap Malaysia akan menyokong sebarang tindakan yang menyalahi undang-undang Thailand. Tindakan anda tindakan bersendirian, dan jika mereka (yang melanggar undang-undang) menyeberangi sempadan ke Malaysia, kami akan hantar mereka kembali (ke Thailand)," katanya kepada Nation.

Najib berkata salah satu daripada isu utama yang turut memberi kesan dalam hubungan dua hala dan perlu diselesaikan segera ialah soal dua kerakyatan, di mana antara 20,000 dan 25,000 penduduk disekitar kawasan itu dipercayai memiliki kerakyatan Thailand dan juga Malaysia.

Perdana Menteri memberitahu Bangkok Post bahawa jalan penyelesaian terhadap keganasan dan ekstremism boleh dicapai sekiranya kerajaan Thailand dapat berurusan dengan "kumpulan yang tepat" dan memperakui bahawa ia boleh dan seharusnya menangani masalah yang sebenarnya, yang dialami penduduk tempatan.

"Jika anda berupaya mendapatkan kepercayaan mereka, dan mereka merasakan bahawa kerajaan sememangnya benar-benar mengambil berat terhadap kepentingan dan masalah mereka, saya rasa anda akan dapat lihat yang keadaan semakin bertambah baik. Sebaik sahaja majoriti penduduk menyokong anda, anda pasti dapat menghapuskan kumpulan ekstremis," tambahnya.



A - Asahkan bakat dan potensi diri
B - Bayangkan cita-cita besar
C - Ciptalah kehidupan yang baik
D - Doronglah diri ke puncak jaya
E - Ehsan sesama manusia
F - Fikirkanlah masa depan anda
G - Gambarkan kemenangan diri
H - Hiburkan diri sendiri dan orang lain
I - Impikan apa yang anda boleh jadi
J - Jimat cermat dalam segala hal
K - Kesihatan jasad, akal dan emosi diutamakan
L - Lawan nafsu serakah anda
M - Maafkan kesalahan orang lain
N - Nekad menghadapi cabaran
O - Orang lain sumber pengalaman dan inspirasi anda
P - Percaya pada diri sendiri
Q - Qiamulai mendekatkan diri pada Allah
R - Restu ibu bapa membawa berkat
S - Sokong semangat ingin mencipta
T - Tolong orang yang memerlukan
U - Usaha bersungguh-sungguh
V - Visi yang jelas
W - Waktu sangat berharga
X - X-ray diri sendiri selalu
Y - Yang penting kejayaan...
Z - Zaman muda hanya sekali


Saat kau bangun di pagi hari, Aku memandangmu dan berharap engkau akan berbicara kepada-Ku, bercerita, meminta pendapat-Ku, mengucapkan sesuatu untuk-Ku walaupun hanya sepatah kata...

Atau berterima kasih kepada-Ku atas sesuatu hal yang indah yang terjadi dalam hidupmu semalam, kelmarin, atau waktu yang lalu.... Tetapi Ku lihat engkau begitu sibuk mempersiapkan diri untuk pergi bekerja... Tak sedikit pun kau menyedari Aku dekat denganmu...

Aku kembali menanti saat engkau sedang bersiap, Aku tahu akan ada sedikit waktu bagimu untuk berhenti dan menyapa-Ku, tetapi engkau terlalu sibuk... Di satu tempat, engkau duduk tanpa melakukan apapun... Kemudian Aku melihat engkau menggerakkan kakimu. Aku berfikir engkau akan datang kepada-Ku, tetapi engkau berlari ke telefon dan menelefon seorang teman untuk sekadar berbincang-bincang...

Aku melihatmu ketika engkau pergi bekerja dan Aku menanti dengan sabar sepanjang hari. Namun dengan semua kegiatanmu, Ku fikir engkau terlalu sibuk untuk mengucapkan sesuatu kepada-Ku.

Sebelum makan siang, Aku melihatmu memandang ke sekeliling, mungkin engkau merasa malu untuk berbicara kepada-Ku, itulah sebabnya mengapa engkau tidak sedikitpun menyapa-Ku.

Engkau memandang tiga atau empat meja sekitarmu dan melihat beberapa temanmu berbicara dan menyebut nama-Ku dengan lembut sebelum menyantap makanan yang Ku berikan, tetapi engkau tidak melakukannya....

Ya, tak apalah, masih ada waktu yang tersisa dan Aku masih berharap engkau akan datang kepada-Ku, meskipun saat engkau pulang ke rumah kelihatan seakan-akan banyak hal yang harus kau kerjakan. Setelah tugasmu selesai, engkau menyalakan TV, Aku tidak tahu apakah kau suka menonton TV atau tidak, hanya saja engkau selalu ke sana dan menghabiskan banyak waktu setiap hari di depannya, tanpa memikirkan apapun dan hanya menikmati acara yang ditampilkan, hingga waktu-waktu untuk-Ku dilupakan...

Kembali Aku menanti dengan sabar saat engkau menikmati makananmu tetapi sekali lagi engkau lupa menyebut nama-Ku dan berterima kasih atas makanan yang telah Ku berikan...

Saat tidur Ku fikir kau merasa terlalu letih. Setelah mengucapkan selamat malam kepada keluargamu, kau melompat ke tempat tidur dan tertidur tanpa sepatahpun nama Ku kau sebut. Tidak apa-apa kerana mungkin engkau masih belum menyedari bahawa Aku selalu hadir untukmu.

Aku telah bersabar lebih lama dari yang kau sedari. Aku bahkan ingin mengajarkan bagaimana bersabar terhadap orang lain...

Aku sangat menyayangimu, setiap hari Aku menantikan sepatah kata darimu, ungkapan isi hatimu, namun tak kunjung tiba...

Baiklah..... engkau bangun kembali dan kembali Aku menanti dengan penuh kasih bahawa hari ini kau akan memberi-Ku sedikit waktu untuk menyapa-Ku... Tapi yang Ku tunggu.... Ah tak juga kau menyapa-Ku. Subuh, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib, Isyak dan Subuh berlalu... dan... kau masih mengacuhkan Aku. Tiada sepatah kata, tiada seucap do'a, tiada pula harapan dan keinginan untuk bersujud kepada Ku...

Apakah salah-Ku padamu...? Rezeki yang Ku limpahkan, kesihatan yang Ku berikan, Harta yang Ku relakan untukmu, makanan yang Ku hidangkan , Keselamatan yang Ku kurniakan, kebahagiaan yang Ku anugerahkan... Apakah hal itu tidak membuatmu ingat kepada-Ku???!!!

Percayalah, Aku selalu mengasihimu, dan Aku tetap berharap suatu ketika nanti engkau akan menyapa-Ku, memohon perlindungan-Ku, bersujud menghadap-Ku... Kembali kepadaKu...

Yang selalu menyertai dan di sampingmu setiap saat...

Tiga Perkara Kebaikan Dan Keburukan

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya:
“Tiga perkara yang menyelamatkan , iaitu takut pada Allah ketika bersendirian dan di khalayak ramai, berlaku adil pada ketika suka dan marah, berjimat cermat ketika susah dan senang, dan tiga perkara yang membinasakan iaitu mengikut hawa nafsu, terlampau bakhil dan kagum seseorang dengan dirinya sendiri.”

Riwayat Abu Syeikh
Huraian :
i) Terdapat tiga perkara yang memberikan keselamatan kepada manusia aitu :
a) Sentiasa menjaga tingkahlaku kerana sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T Maha Melihat dan Mendengar apa jua yang dilakukan oleh hamba-Nya. Bahkan setiap amalan itulah yang akan menentukan sama ada seseorang manusia itu diberi kebahagiaan atau ditimpa celaka dalam hidupnya.
b) Berlaku adil yang bermaksud meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya tanpa ada diskriminasi dan beremosi. Ini termasuk memberikan hak kepada yang berhak yang bukan terhad pada hubungan antara sesama makhluk sahaja malah dalam menjaga hubungan dengan Tuhan. Sifat adil akan menghidupkan suasana berkasih sayang dalam masyarakat.
c) Berjimat cermat ketika susah dan senang kerana ini akan menyelamatkan seseorang itu daripada menyesal di kemudian hari.

ii) Manakala Rasulullah berpesan pula bahawa terdapat tiga perkara lain yang akan membinasakan manusia iaitu:
a) Mengikut telunjuk syaitan yang sentiasa mendorong kepada kehendak hawa nafsu yang mengakibatkan kebinasaan diri.
b) Bersifat kedekut sehingga menyebabkan orang lain membenci dan menjauhinya.
c) Kagum dengan diri sendiri iaitu ujub dengan kelebihan diri sehingga menjadikan seseorang itu bersikap angkuh dan sombong serta suka menghina orang lain menyebabkan dia akhirnya disisihkan daripada masyarakat.

iii) Sesungguhnya setiap perkara yang dilarang itu ada hikmahnya begitu juga dengan perkara yang baik itu pasti ada kemuliaannya. Oleh itu kita hendaklah sentiasa berhati-hati agak tidak melakukan kesilapan hingga terjerumus ke lambah kebinasaan.

Syaitan Pun Terkejut?

Ada seorang manusia yang bertemu dengan setan di waktu subuh.
Entah bagaimana awalnya, akhirnya mereka berdua sepakat mengikat
tali persahabatan.

Ketika waktu subuh berakhir dan orang itu tidak mengerjakan solat, maka setan pun sambil tersenyum bergumam, "Orang ini memang boleh menjadi sahabatku..! "

Begitu juga ketika waktu Zuhur orang ini tidak mengerjakan solat,
setan tersenyum lebar sambil membatin, " Rupanya inilah bakal teman
sejatiku di akhirat nanti..!"

Ketika waktu ashar hampir habis tetapi temannya itu dilihatnya masih
juga asik dengan kegiatannya, setan mulai terdiam..... . Kemudian
ketika datang waktunya magrib, temannya itu ternyata tidak shalat juga, maka setan nampak mulai gelisah, senyumnya sudah berubah menjadi kecut. Dari wajahnya nampak bahwa ia seolah-olah sedang mengingat-ngingat sesuatu.

Dan akhirnya ketika dilihatnya sahabatnya itu tidak juga mengerjakan
shalat Isya, maka setan itu sangat panik.

Ia rupanya tidak bisa menahan diri lagi, dihampirinya sahabatnya manusianya itu sambil berkata dengan penuh ketakutan, "Wahai
sobat, aku terpaksa memutuskan persahabatan kita !"

Dengan keheranan manusia ini bertanya, "Kenapa engkau ingkar janji
bukankah baru tadi pagi kita berjanji akan menjadi sahabat ?".

"Aku takut!", jawab setan dengan suara gemetar. "Nenek moyangku saja yang dulu hanya sekali membangkang pada perintah-Nya, iaitu ketika menolak
disuruh sujud pada "Adam", telah dilaknat-Nya; apalagi engkau yang
hari ini saja kusaksikan telah lima kali membangkang untuk bersujud
pada-Nya (Sujud pada Allah). Tidak terbayangkan olehku bagaimana
besarnya murka Allah kepadamu!", kata setan sambil beredar pergi.